Music Dies Here Presents

Music Dies Here Presents is the booking side of Music Dies Here. We can’t book all the bands we love, but we will try!

The shows we book are an ode to the smaller punk-rock and adjacent scene, to the singalongs and the woahs. We want everyone who shows up to feel like they are part of the crowd, like they have a place they can belong for the night. We want the bands to be excited about playing and want to create line-ups that don’t just make an amazing show, but amazing new friends as well.

This is all done in our spare time, next to our regular – sometimes demanding – jobs. It’s a passion project by people who want to create something instead of complain with the other jaded old punks at a late night dive, though we’re always happy to buy you a round at that late night dive and complain anyway.

If you want to be part of this as a music fan, we always can use the help! We want to be able to feed and pay the bands, so anyone volunteering to work the door, flyer at another show they’ll be at, or anything you can think of is greatly appreciated.

If you want to be a part of this as a band, reach out! We’re happy to see if we can set something up. We are a little bit picky about the bands we book, so see whether any of our past or previous shows has bands that you’re stylistically a fit with. If not, we may not be the right fit for you. If you’re a local band, come hang out at one of the other shows we’re booking first – we’re more likely to like you if you show you’re passionate about something besides yourself!


Past shows

All flyers are created by James Rundle except those for 02/15 (Playing Dead), 03/01 (House Without Walls), 09/01 (Soloman Media), 10/15.