we stole this picture from their bandcamp

Okay we got summoned by the dark forces of Instagram messages to listen to and talk about Original Son.


Whoops, jumped offside haha.

Anything we wanna talk about before jumping into this record?

You’re too excited aren’t you? I actually haven’t had the chance yet to give it a listen, between work and napping and whatever the hell it was I did this weekend, it hasn’t been the right time yet.

So I’m going in blindly.

Guess I am haha

No right time like the right time…which happens to be now

I got my dose of photosynthesis with the woofleses on my day off

It’s hanging out with the dogs that’s making you puppy dog excited about everything?

Probably that, yeah. And the weather was super nice out too. Perfect for sweatshirts

I bet! Cries in employed person who doesn’t get holidays off

But yeah, since my job is turning me into a literal vampire (all I’m missing is the lust for blood), I listen to the dark forces now. I’m excited about finally giving this record a spin! Let’s get this going?

In office full-time (boooooo) so gotta take the UV rays and the canine hangs while I can.

Sure! As someone who’s already listened to this record 4x, I think you’ll like it a lot!


Ah one of those suspension build up intros

Really dug that intro

Digging this energy. I wish this band had their lyrics online somewhere. You’d think by now I should be seamlessly get it the way native speakers do, but I still don’t.

Gonna have to cop a record to solve that I guess 🙂

This would do well in Europe.

I could see that.

and horribly in NYC, but that’s because for some reason everything besides indie-rock that says it’s punk and bubblegrunge doesn’t do well here.

a rant for another time as always haha

Man, you’re right about the energy… couldn’t place it exactly but definitely has getting up out of seat and fingerpointing vibes.

This sound is basically “if Anti Flag had a baby with Hot Water Music, that baby grew up and now is old and disillusioned and absolutely not making more babies”

Ha! I dig that description…ah yes, the sweetspot with a lot of things I’m into

Old and disillusioned?

well….not specifically but that too


This makes me want to dance and I can’t dance, help

Kinda reminds me of the scandals
(specifically the verses)

Also, very warm weather vibes

Yeah, I can see that. The Scandals also never plays NYC.

the scandals never play*


Reminds me of Scott Sorry as well.

Fine but Jared never plays NYC ever either.

No argument here

This is definitely a summer song.

Also, something says this track’ll be in heavy circulation once it’s no not 35 degrees every other day anymore.

Infectious, man

Very relaxed. If it had a music video, it’d be one of those open roof cars, someone hanging behind it on a skateboard and a lot of palm trees.

Then flashbacks to a bar scene

Best I could do on that is backyard hangs with the dogs and throwing a ball around haha

Oh that’s the beach scene in that video. Someone playing frisbee with their dog on the beach.


Okay next song. That one I actually did hear when the video came out earlier. Plus don’t tell me twice to listen if it’s got Lou Koller; Sick of it All was one of the first bands I fell in love with. Can you fall in love with music / bands?

Plaat-onic love. Only funny in Dutch, sigh

Plaat is used in Dutch for record. The record store would be a platenzaak.


I think that track was the last I heard from the singles, probably because I already figured it’d be good and the record was coming out real soon after lol

~Well’s Run Dry~

Ah, kinda rockabilly type open

genre dumb but that’s kinda the sense I got

This chorus I remember being really dope on earlier listens

I suck at genres, as you’ve noticed. This song almost has a hip-hop vibe to the beat.

The “heys”!

Not common to hear those these days

Trying to go for the anthemic style here

Haha I guess you’re getting the Lou Koller part should they ever play here

I don’t make the rules my dude

Haha, good point! He definitely is great at adding that frustrated anger at the world to any track he sings on.


Batting 1000 so far

It works.


Remember when every record was named after a song on said record?

This was the shorter track if I’m not mistaken

That trend kind of died out.

I know, right?

It is yes. It’s the more sad reflection song, the staring out the window wondering what the fuck happened to us all

I could see that. That sense of remember when…

Days gone by, eh?

“Dude seriously how did we get here, why are we all so damn unhappy and why can’t I fix it, why can’t we fix it?” is basically the vibe.

~The Avenues~

I expected a bit more of a transition between the songs here

That’s what I banked on..kinda threw me off.

More warm weather vibes ☀️

We’re all just waiting for the fallout though.

Lyrically accurate.


Also it’s almost a nostalgia for the present that comes from this song.

Caught that too!

This “I want to hold on, but how” happy desperation

Reminds me of how fond I’ve been of that from time to time, personally

Nostalgia for the present or warm weather?

Maybe pandemic life with Sasha and early afternoon beers hah. Also weather of course

You know who I want to see this band tour with? The Riverboat Gamblers. That’d be a good one.

That’d be a blast

~Fire Away~


Hahaha this intro?

Rumps are shook



Yeah this sounds good! Very singalongy, if I had the lyrics.

(hi world, I just like having lyrics)

Like the whoaaaaaas and the harmonies in this chorus

It’ll do

Optimistic feeling in this song, first one on the record haha


Oh give me a second, my work phone line is still online, that should be culled

Definitely the part where I imagine building up to that big singalong part again.


Knowing me I’d accidentally pick up and I don’t think my boss would like me forcing this record on our customers

Hahahahah that’d be funny as shit though

Who needs gigabit internet when you can have gigabit singalongs

And hey, the song signs off at the perfect time lol

~The Turnaround~

If you ever want to learn guitar, intros like these aren’t too hard to start with

Noted 🎸

I love those intros where the vocals and guitar are sort of muted and build up some longing before it kicks into fast and hard again

Ah, this was the track that had the huge whoassss in the chorus

You’re gonna tell me you like the woah’s again, right?

Couldn’t remember. That was my favorite part


Dangit lmfao

And this part too. Already mentioned the Scandals so keeping it moving

Oh it’s the optimistic ending part where everyone starts having a good time and then it just ends.


This intro I dig


Haha, you cheated by listening earlier than me!

Haha unfair advantage on my end 🤣

But I thought you’d have listened from the same day I did!

This is that 3am walking home drunk happy anger song where you doubt every- and all social relationships you have.

Definitely has that feel of a long night out burning itself out into existential confusion haha

If it had a bit more energy, you would bring Single Mothers up, but since you haven’t yet, I’ll do it on your behalf.

::bops head::

Am I wrong?

Noticable more on this track than the others. Hadn’t drawn that connection.

Yeah on that track there’s some common thread between the bands.


Intro almost sounds like Samiam’ capsized

I never really got into Samian so can’t say

Ah yes, this record keeps throwing that energy that I like in music at me

Fair enough. Like before the part before the first verse

Same here. Been flawless in that area.

Haven’t had much to say for that reason haha

Lots of moments of suspense build up in this song which often hits right.

Usually when you have nothing to say you start talking about sports.

That part’s catchy

Vocal delivery

It’s very much you’ll get what you expect with this record.

Which is good! Nothing ever wrong with that far as I’m concerned…

Last song

There we go

~Hymn for the Underground~

Modern life is fucking killing us these days

And the kind of closing track I think we’d expect.

This song and record sounds like “we probably are too old to have this many drinks with friends, but it’s the best direction I’ve found”

It’s one of those things that always drew me to punk. This understanding that shit’s fucked, but we’re here and we’d better make the best of what we got, so get back up and try again.

Hm. Definitely has that feel of walking thru town and seeing all the spots that closed, where drinks were had with friends who moved on to different phases of their lives.

And here you are…flying that same flag you always did, with as much pride as you had back then

This is one of those anthems. Those “hey, we’ve got this, we’re in it together and we’ll take these damn moments”

Because it won’t fly itself.


It never does

Yep, it’ll be rad getting to belt this out live one day (hopefully)

It’s funny, I think this song is supposed to be uplifting, but it definitely feels more bittersweet to me. Exactly due to that “damn, I wish we could live these nights with those friends like we did”

I think I found it both. The sense of still here in spite of what isn’t and what changed is uplifting to me. I gripe a lot about how NYC doesnt really feel like a place that’s my own anymore, so this song reminds of instances from past where it did.

It’s funny how time changes and yet you don’t ever feel like you do. So many memories that are now over a decade ago still feel like.. mine, like I’m the still the same person who experienced them then

But I suppose I changed and moved on as well, it just never felt as visible to me as when others do it.

I feel that 100 percent. I fancy myself a consistent person on that front haha

This is why I love music so much, it brings out these feelings, emotions, reflections – no need to overanalyze the songs themselves to get that visceral reaction

Right. And I think that’s our strength as far as MDH is concerned and hitting on songs and things as they affect us in real-time.

Listen to it for yourself here: https://originalson.bandcamp.com/album/currents

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